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QUANT ARC is a high-quality, high-tech bracelet. in a unisex design that always fits regardless of wrist size and clothing style. The bracelet is not only very noble but also a one-time investment for your health.


The QUANT ARQ bracelet reduces oxidative stress by up to 75 percent, which leads to a significant improvement in well-being.

QUANT ARQ harnesses the power of quantum technology to restore balance to our bodies. A bracelet equipped with fine quantum sensors detects changes in the state of our cells and sends impulses that reduce oxidative stress and restore the vitality of our cells. This allows for better nutrient absorption and prevents inflammation.

The sensors remain encapsulated in the bracelet. So nothing penetrates the skin. They receive information about the current state of the cell and send impulses to each individual cell. The impulses help the cells to regenerate by reducing oxidative stress, restoring their function and increasing their vitality. QUANTARQ is a proven method to sustainably optimize the body. The proven technology creates a balance in the body and supports you on the way to greater well-being.


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